The Right Role

dating11Since the theme for this month is “Pierce my heart to serve,” I thought I’d take this opportunity to discuss a woman’s role in marriage and in society. My generation of women has been privileged to receive the same rights and freedoms as the men in our country. We can vote, become soldiers, work in the government, or be stay-at-home mothers. Our options are never-ending. In many ways this is a great improvement for our world and nation, but it can also hinder us from fulfilling and respecting the duties given to us by God. Sometimes we think that serving our husbands and being submissive to them is degrading or old-fashioned, but remember this: God loves us and would never command us to do something that is not for our best and His glory.

In Genesis 3:16 we find that God cursed women because Eve disobeyed His command. God said that women would have greatly increased pain during childbirth and that our husbands would rule over us. For most of us, the latter part of this curse is difficult to really grasp. How can we be equals to men in today’s society, yet be submissive to our husbands at home? That can be a hard thing to understand and a hard thing to practice, but I would like to explain it the best I can.

We are commanded to submit ourselves to our husbands in Colossians 3:18. We are to understand that he is the head of the house and is in authority to spiritually lead his family. This is a huge responsibility and takes a lot of work. Men are also given the role of authority in the church. Men are to hold positions as teachers, preachers, elders, and deacons. They have a lot of work to do, and we are to be supportive and serve God by serving them.

extra5When I was younger I used to say that no man was ever going to boss me around, but back then I didn’t understand the rest of God’s command. Not only did He command wives to be submissive, but He also commanded husbands to love their wives as Christ loves the church. This means there will be no bossing around or controlling. But my husband will love me, and I will serve and respect him. It is meant to be a mutually loving relationship where both give of themselves so that both can be satisfied.

In the church we can teach, encourage others, and help our husbands. It takes a lot of effort to be a participating church member and helpful wife, but it is also very rewarding. God wants us to be a part of His body! Just because we are women does not mean that we cannot be strong individuals. As women, we are able to do so much for mankind and for God, and being submissive wives does not stop that at all. It only encourages our contentment!

By Shelby Garrett


  1. Good article, Shelby. I remember when the concept of men-only leadership really bothered you. It is wonderful to see how submissive to God you are in this area. I’ll be talking about this very subject in Ladies Bible class in the next couple of weeks.

    Love you,
    Aunt Cyndi

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